Over the past five years, Sydney Direct Fresh Produce owner Luke Kohler has been working with producers through our Meet The Grower campaign. The goal was simple; we wanted to understand the facts and reality of what farmers go through to produce the fruit and vegetables we serve at SDFP.

We have now built integral relationships with producers because of our passion for what we do and constant effort to support the Aussie farmer.

Meet The Grower has enabled SDFP to source some of the most unique produce in the southern hemisphere to our customers.

Grass Roots on the road is an idea that we had to celebrate the extensive list of growers we deal with directly across NSW.

Come and join Luke Kohler, our chef customers, growers and leading foodservice professionals as we take you on an adventure to share stories of NSW iconic food destinations.

Let's start with coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner and a cheeky cocktail or two!